I finally got the meditation program that I have been wanting for lets say.... a year now? The owner is a very helpful person (Morry Zelchovitch) who gave me the program for free! Now... I didnt want to say all of that but I just wanted to show you how much of a caring and personable individual he is. Again the name of the program is called Quantum Mind Power. He really seems to care about every individual that uses his product. So, lately I have been keeping a separate private blog about my progress so far. I'll make the product available to the public after Im about 3 months into the program. Also have more hair updates coming up so, check back in for them!
Soooooo.... where have I been?
My Makeover by yours truly!
A New Look...
I thought my blog needed a new look.... Got tired of the old look ;) Well a few quick updates, I graduated college, looking for a job and it aint easy! Hair update, definitely got longer but right now I have kinky twists... Definitely diggin em. Camera situation is a bit shaky right now, but i'll have some pics up in no time :) Been selling stuff on ebay, that has been going good, but I'm trying to find out what to sell next lol... I used the money from the last sale to buy some makeup supplies, because from aside from my career in accounting, I will be doing makeup.... school or no school. So, just trying to get a makeup kit in order. Its so expensive tho!!! Especially finding decent foundation.... yikes... Not to much of a fan of MAC. Especially the overpriced eyeshadows.... but any who, thats just the accountant in me... looking for a cheap high quality alternative.... For example, LA COLORS are cheap (2.99 for like 5 or six colors), and outlast any eyeshadow that I've ever used. Highly pigmented too... Every time I wear their eyeshadow, I get asked if Im wearing MAC... *smirk* No.... As far as foundations, I might go on the expensive side with that one.... Im interested in what Bobbi Brown has to offer.... but will continue to do my foundation shopping :) and compare some prices! I AM enjoying every bit of it tho :D PEACE for now!!!
RIP MJ :'(
Labels: life , Micheal Jackson
Alpha Flight, Digital Coffee, Quantum Mind Power Review
Alpha Flight is a demo that Quantum Mind Power issues before you can try the whole program. I have one thing to say about it..... POW-ER-FUL.... yes indeed. If this is just a tip of the iceberg of what the program can do for you... I want it ASAP. The first few nights, I listened to it in my Ipod Touch through my schools Wifi connection and...I just did not understand it. My mind chatter was on steroids and my eyes were fluttering the first couple of nights I listened to Alpha Flight. So I was just confused. From my understanding, my brain had to adjust to the sound frequencies. It sounded like a helicopter. Really. So after the first few nights I was gonna give up... but I decided against it and kept on. Im not gonna quit. Nope. So, I continued to listen and screw what it SAYS it gonna do, because I had no clue. I SLEPT so well the next few nights, and I may not have been using it right, but my dreams were as clear as day. I would forget that I fell asleep and wake up the next morning asking myself when did I fall asleep? A few weeks passed by and my Ipod Touch wasnt picking up the wifi connection at my school for awhile, and I was just so upset because I felt like I was getting somewhere and now, losing out. So when I got the connection working again, I fell asleep again to it, woke up at 5am before I had to get up for class and played it again.... I KID YOU NOT.... I felt like my body was floating, and when it stopped, I felt myself descend back inside of myself (I guess an out of body experience? I dunno) then I had a strong urge just to sit up and SCREAM with all my might (sp?) for no reason. I really wanted to but my roommate was sleeping in her bed so, I really had to compose myself. Thats when I knew, that this stuff is powerful. I usually sleep normal (no sleep disorders) and have never been through any of this until Alpha Flight. The next few nights, I slept extremely well with alpha flight and have missed a couple of morning classes because I was sleeping so deeply. Missed my alarms... Im a light sleeper people. There was one time I actually used it after I got up at around 8am and was just gonna try to listen to it without going to sleep and... I felt so wired lol I could NOT got back to sleep. I was gonna take a morning nap before my 1 o'clock and I ended up staying up eyes wide open as if I had 3 cups of coffee and I watched Jerry Springer, The Steve Wilkos Show lol and whatever else until I had to get ready. So I did a lil research and tried to find out what Alpha Flight was supposed to do. This was NOT a "placebo effect" because I had absolutely no clue. This is what I found from the Quantum Mind Power Forum from Morry Zelchovitch
Alpha Flight can help...
* as a mood elevator
* to increase clarity
* to help center
* to increase relaxed alertness
* to increase a sense of well being & decreased pain
* to bring improvements in memory
Its even good for hangover & jet lag;) and terrific for a quick listen after
a hard day and before launching yourself into traffic:)
Look I didnt know that it was supposed to do all of those things, so this is my experience without any knowledge. So my experience may have been inconsistent with what was described, but then again, I was inconsistent with it. I do believe that with consistent listening over time, some, if not all of those things would be achieved. I just believe it is THAT powerful and that fast. I know this has an affect on the brain pattern and I will listen to the program consistently, when I purchase it. I listened to Digital Coffee, another demo, and it made me digitally exhausted lol but I only listened to it one time, so I think my brain also had to get used to it. I haven't used it since, but due to how powerful Alpha Flight is, I won't give up on it. This is my REAL life testimonial on the Quantum Mind Power demos. Here are some of the benefits of the Quantum Mind Power system and brainwave entrainment in general.
Some benefits BWE may bring include help with…
• Concentration
• Creativity
• Memory
• Relaxation
• Motivation
• Deeper self awareness
• Promoting long-term mental and emotional growth
• Clarity
• Stress
• Pain
• Learning
• Energy and vitality
• Inspiration
• Intuition and personal insight
• Focus and attention
• Problem-solving
• And much, much more…
Click here to hear Alpha Flight.
Labels: meditation , spiritual
Just a random thought. Obama Obama and Conspiracy.
This is just a random thought because my thoughts usually are... RANDOM. But I am so happy that Bush is GONE!!! Obama Obama Obama!! Im ready for him, and happy MLK Day by the way.... This inaugauration could not have come at a more perfect time! (Even though inaugurations usually fall around the same time) I just wanted to say, that people will say ANYTHING to get you to fear someone. Especially a black man! I have been reading the Bible alot lately. Ive read the book of James (which I like) and the book of Revelation that people refer to soooo much. Especially about Obama. I read that people are calling him the anti christ because of his great influence. He has been referred to as the "Messiah" and whatnot. I think its all silly by the way. But I had to do some research of my own to prove MY point. There is NOWHERE in the Book of Revelation that says that the anti-christ will appear humanlike, be a man in his 40's of Muslim descent. The Religion of Islam was not even in existence until hundreds of years later! I read that badboy just to see how much people truly fear this man as a leader of this country! People make up stuff thats just ridiculous. I am very much into conspiracy theory and whatnot and its something that grabs my attention, but also depresses me! I just realize that you have to do research on your OWN, whether you follow a religion, a belief, or whatever! Just do some research before you beleive this stuff! Some of it may be true, but you just have to know to yourself, before you beleive anyone, that you took action and researched yourself, what is being thrown at you. Yes I do beleive Obama is a Freemason, but do I beleive he is the Anti-Christ? NO. And Im just gonna end it here because that a whole different issue to speak about.
Holosync, Life Works, Ok Im Making a Decision.
After testing out the samples of both Holosync and Life Flow I think I enjoyed the Holosync Demo better. I felt relaxed with the sounds of the rain and the binaural beats in the background. I even listened to it while I was walking down the street and I felt really calm. I just tuned out the talking and just listened the the sounds. I felt at peace for the time being. The LifeFlow Meditation CD was good also but it was just pure silence for about 10 minutes or 20 minutes repeating mantras over and over, and while I felt at peace when I opened my eyes, but, complete silence didnt really do much for me. I dont know if the actual CD's are like that, but I dont think I want to take the chance. Not to knock them, but I dont think its for me. So I had to do more research and I found another system for a much better price which claims to do a better job at a much cheaper price. I went through review after review after review and I did alot of research on it. I came across the free sample download and I used it for the first time last night. Well I must say that, that sample was very powerful. The basic system is $147 and I will definitely make that investment especially if its life changing. Night 1 was a bit weird for me... I had all sorts of vivid snippets of dreams... its hard for me to explain. I used it while I was about to go to sleep. But I KNOW that this product is special because the sounds are truly hypnotizing. This is not a hypnosis CD, but dammit, thats how I felt. Im gonna use it again in a few minutes and report back on my results. Its just a bit hard for me explain right now. But I'll have a better explanation when I write back again. I dont think I gave a good explanation of why exactly I am doing this. Ok. I do have big hopes and dreams of becoming successful. What does success mean to me? It means being happy, having a career you enjoy, having
Labels: life , meditation , spiritual
Holosync Review
Ok so I listened to the demo. The first track was the Holosync demo most of which was bombarded with explanation of how the Holosync Technology works. Even though I wanted to have a full 20 minute demo, it was helpful because it gave me a better understanding about the whole program itself. The last seven and a half minutes of the track had the ACTUAL demo which was extremely relaxing... I felt good when I opened my eyes but I felt shortchanged... wasnt long enough... But hey, dont hate the player, hate the game. I understood why they did it that way. The second track of the CD had the testimonial section which seemed cool but at the same time it could have been easily made up by paid actors. Looking at the Holosync Reviews on You Tube by real people, I came to find that the results were actually the same... of course results vary, but they all seemed to be pleased with the program. My verdict is that I did enjoy the demo cd, but right now I cant afford the WHOLE program. $2500 seems pricey, but worth the investment if it works. But instead I will use the Lifeflow Meditation CD's which in total turns out to be $470 over the life of 10 months. They offer free cd's some of which I have already heard, and are pretty good and helpful. Gonna download their demo and listen to it. Im putting my investment into this program because it uses the Holosync technology and then some, and you see results in a shorter amount of time. The overall program is 10 months long compared to Centerpoint's Holosync CD which takes up to a couple of years. But I want something that will get the job done and have everlasting effects. I would just rather do it in a year rather than a couple of them.
I choose me...
At the end of the day, no one will love me the way that I do. I choose me. This great mass of potential being overshadowed with doubt, negativity and fear... No More... No More.... No more will I be bound by the all or nothing expectations of others... This exhaustion slowly taking away from my true essence... the reality of my true self til my self is no longer mine... No longer true... I lost it.... but have reclaimed that once luminous soul.... looked within and caught a glimpse of a glow... just need the oxygen to make this flame grow... Im opening the door needing to feel a breeze... a breath of air... leave the door open... step outside and stand there long enough to realize there's a whole new world out there... Explore me... Explore Life... til that glow gets stronger.... turning into fire... Touchable... Breakable... No Longer...
Labels: life
My sons father's hair
Heres a quick update
This is October 2008
Twists with Shea Butter ( New Staple) I rocked this for about 4 days. I also trimmed my hair in the same day.
My hair so far is making great progress and Im extremely happy. I'll post my regimen in another post.
Labels: hair care , hair comparison pics , hair journey
Holosync, Bare Minerals, and a Camera!
So, trying to figure out what I was going to write about in my blog today, there were two things that came to my surprise. One was that the Holosync Demo had arrived in the mail (Yes!) AND the other other was Bare Minerals that my mom got for me from Sephora. Talk about excitement! Well, for me anyways. She realized how serious I am gonna be taking this when I graduate, so she gave me a lil jump start. Lawwwd today I was indulging my brain in makeup. Schools, forums, websites etc,. I came across a few websites that were pretty informative about the business aspect and reality of becoming a makeup artist. So I have a small idea of what to expect before things happen. I also came across an online course thats pretty affordable. So just making preparations you know?? But anywho! Im gonna listen to that Holosync CD later on tonight when I can actually relax, and then, give my input about it. SOOOOO I tried the Bare Minerals. I looked at the video, then I applied. Afterward I thought, this is a load of CRAP because I dont see a difference. But I did some before and after photos and the proof is in the picture REALLY. Check it out. The first one is before, and the second one is after. I swear I only used a TAD bit of each like they do in the DVD. My skin looks WAY more even and natural. 2 thumbs up for me! It works beautifully. My sister has a camera now, another surprise! So hair updates are on the way!
Dedication to Make up
Ok, so I first and foremost would like to thank Erin at Scandalous Beauty. With all the flip flopping that I have been doing with what I would like to do with my life, I finally came to the conclusion that I really want to pursue. I already said it, but now its more concrete. Im gonna get a job in accounting and go to cosmetology school for hair and makeup. Im gonna do it on the side and perfect my craft and see where it takes me. As far as hair, Im interested in styles yes, but more so maintaing the health of hair whether its relaxed or natural. So I have that business idea in mind, but, I'll brainstorm and let things marinate and present it here at a later date. I'll also be working with my best friend who started her fashion line called Popcorn Label Inc. She's definitely doing big things and I am absolutely proud. So, heres to goals, dreams and inspiration!
So meditation is on the menu for this year
Ive been doing some research on some meditation and hypnosis. I want the best of the best. So I came across a new technology called Holosync. Holosync is a technology developed by Centerpointe Research Institute that is used to create certain sounds called binaural beats that trigger different brain waves such as the Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta Brain waves. This way of meditation digs deep into the brain and can reprogram where it can have long term results. It gets to the root of the issue and you begin to confront past childhood issues that may hold you back from living life. This is a terrible explanation for it, but you can Google it if you would like more info. I have not heard a bad review about it except for when you are coping with these issues. Some have reported that they go into bouts of depression for a bit. But each section takes a long time to get through. One guy was on part two and he had been doing it for a year and some change. When i found this I thought hey perfect because I want the best out there..... its pricey though..... 2500 in total... So then I found something else that claims to be better than Holosync. Its called Life flow Meditation 2.0 It claims to be better, and for much cheaper. there are 10 cds for 47 bucks each. Total of 470 bucks. Now thats some thing I would be willing to invest in. They also give you alot of freebies and a demo. The have a forum that you can chat on, thats where I got my testimonials from... real live people. Those who have tried Holosync say that Lifeflow IS indeed better. They also give you some free meditation mp3's that target individual things that you may want to work on. So, I'll try those free mp3's out on my ipod touch I recently got for Christmas :) But Im gonna commit myself to meditation everyday as soon as I download....I'll even document it on here.
Things Im working on for 09
So for 2009 I have another challenge that I did not mention and its the "Raise your credit score" challenge I have been indulging myself on creditboards.com and also have been reading this book pictured to the left. Its a pretty good book. I read 100 pages within 2 hours. Still have to finish. I have learned so much from each and am of course, still learning. I cant wait to see results. Key things that I have learned are 1. Send out letters of verification to Collection Agencies (High priority accounts) 2. Know what laws protect you as a consumer, and them as creditors 3. Get a secured credit card soon to revive my credit 4. Try to delete some things off of my credit report 5. Use only 30% of each credit card maximum to show creditors that you are responsible with credit 7. Never pay off collection accounts without negotiating. 8. Self Inquiries do NOT affect your credit score 9. Inquiries from outsiders do affect score 10. Try to reopen closed accounts. So I have alot im working on for this year. Im taking 21 credits my last semester and I hope and pray, I bust things out with just about all A's. I NEED to graduate with a minimum gpa of 3.0. Im still contemplating on grad school, but what i want to do, does not require grad school. After school, Im gonna get a job in accounting and also i want to go to cosmetology school learn how to do hair and makeup, I have dreams of giving people makeovers.... seriously. I would be content with doing that and helping others look their absolute best.... Thats my dream it came to me a little late but thats why I wholeheartedly wanna do. So Im working on it! Thats all for now... Peace!!!!! *the makeover pic is from www.terilynn.com not my own.
Hair Update...
Still no pics!!! :( well look... its growng ok! LOL no but seriously it is. I have no camera right now... I gotta fix it :( Yesterday I dedicated the whole day almost to my hair. I washed it, deep conditioned it with LeKair's Cholesterol. After that I moisturized it with Cantu Shea Butter.... That stuff smells like heaven and it truly IS moisturizing. I then sectioned my hair into four sections detangled, moisturized and trimmed (dusted actually) each section one by one. I needed a trim because my hair kept getting those little knots at the end. SO after I trimmed tiny little sections and twisted it after I trimmed... My hair was still damp. I did that over the whole head and then I waited until each twist was dry. Then I took each twist out made them into smaller twists. I used 100% shea butter, i found lying around my house, before twisting each tiny section of hair. So the result? My hair feels gorgeous. Can hair feel gorgeous? HELL YEA it can! I shook my hair and it felt SUPER light. 100% shea butter is AMAZING! My hair doesn't feel oily, it feels super light... I LOVE IT. Ive heard about shea butter before and have used it on my relaxed hair, but didnt like the results... but my natural hair adores it. A new staple. So far, the products I use are Cantu Shea Butter Leave In, S curl spray and Gel, cheapie conditioners for cowashes, wide tooth comb, soft bristled brush, LeKairs Cholesterol, and now shea butter. Simple. Trying to keep it that way. Oh and Im on 3 challenges at LHCF this year, two of which are hair. Im shooting for APL length hair for December 2009. So far the back is touching my shoulder blade and the amd the rest in different areas to frame my face. Im also stepping it up on the growth aids and Im using MN. So I have been using that for the past week and will continue. But thats all for now!!!!! PEACE
Labels: hair care , hair journey