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Holosync, Life Works, Ok Im Making a Decision.

After testing out the samples of both Holosync and Life Flow I think I enjoyed the Holosync Demo better. I felt relaxed with the sounds of the rain and the binaural beats in the background. I even listened to it while I was walking down the street and I felt really calm. I just tuned out the talking and just listened the the sounds. I felt at peace for the time being. The LifeFlow Meditation CD was good also but it was just pure silence for about 10 minutes or 20 minutes repeating mantras over and over, and while I felt at peace when I opened my eyes, but, complete silence didnt really do much for me. I dont know if the actual CD's are like that, but I dont think I want to take the chance. Not to knock them, but I dont think its for me. So I had to do more research and I found another system for a much better price which claims to do a better job at a much cheaper price. I went through review after review after review and I did alot of research on it. I came across the free sample download and I used it for the first time last night. Well I must say that, that sample was very powerful. The basic system is $147 and I will definitely make that investment especially if its life changing. Night 1 was a bit weird for me... I had all sorts of vivid snippets of dreams... its hard for me to explain. I used it while I was about to go to sleep. But I KNOW that this product is special because the sounds are truly hypnotizing. This is not a hypnosis CD, but dammit, thats how I felt. Im gonna use it again in a few minutes and report back on my results. Its just a bit hard for me explain right now. But I'll have a better explanation when I write back again. I dont think I gave a good explanation of why exactly I am doing this. Ok. I do have big hopes and dreams of becoming successful. What does success mean to me? It means being happy, having a career you enjoy, having

the confidence to acheive these things, being worry free, and having the money and the means to do the things that I and my family will enjoy. I want to think more logically (not that I dont already... I said MORE) I am dominant on my right side of the brain, even though i love math and other things, but I am definitely right side dominant which is kinda rare. I want to be in a state of calmness regardless of what comes at me. Also I am an introvert. I LOVE being an introvert and I cant change that, but im shy on top of that so that makes it worse because it starts to hold me back from doing alot. But anywho, I am doing this to better myself, and live my life to its full potential. To help others, build better relationships and whatnot. I do enjoy helpng others become better people, but I have to work on myself first before I can help ANYBODY. I got my guards up against the world right now, and thats not helping ANYONE LOL



Anonymous February 11, 2009 at 3:22 PM  

The LifeFlow meditation cds aren't like that (there's a 14min free demo you can listen to). They recommend that you combine them with mantra-style meditation, which is the CDs that you were listening to.

I'm still deciding what to use, but I'm leaning towards LifeF;pw

Anonymous March 15, 2009 at 6:58 AM  

the sad truth is that bill harris founder of holosync is friends with rockefeller, and is paid off to target innocent free minded people into brainwashing...the audience that listens to holosync is the audience that is more free minded than the rest of the public and are not as affected by the media in the same way...good way to target us...if you can dedicate an hour to holosync, than you can dedicate an hour to real meditation

Nubian Princess March 18, 2009 at 8:01 PM  

Thanks all of you for the clarification of each. I have tried self hypnosis, but I just was looking for faster results. I have a self hypnosis cd which which works pretty ok but wanted to go the Brainwave entrainment route. Yea, and holosync is not getting a dime from me lol I'm leaning toward Quantum Mind Power... Lifeflow just changed its price not too long ago from $370 to $670... dont know what thats about.

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