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Just a random thought. Obama Obama and Conspiracy.

This is just a random thought because my thoughts usually are... RANDOM. But I am so happy that Bush is GONE!!! Obama Obama Obama!! Im ready for him, and happy MLK Day by the way.... This inaugauration could not have come at a more perfect time! (Even though inaugurations usually fall around the same time) I just wanted to say, that people will say ANYTHING to get you to fear someone. Especially a black man! I have been reading the Bible alot lately. Ive read the book of James (which I like) and the book of Revelation that people refer to soooo much. Especially about Obama. I read that people are calling him the anti christ because of his great influence. He has been referred to as the "Messiah" and whatnot. I think its all silly by the way. But I had to do some research of my own to prove MY point. There is NOWHERE in the Book of Revelation that says that the anti-christ will appear humanlike, be a man in his 40's of Muslim descent. The Religion of Islam was not even in existence until hundreds of years later! I read that badboy just to see how much people truly fear this man as a leader of this country! People make up stuff thats just ridiculous. I am very much into conspiracy theory and whatnot and its something that grabs my attention, but also depresses me! I just realize that you have to do research on your OWN, whether you follow a religion, a belief, or whatever! Just do some research before you beleive this stuff! Some of it may be true, but you just have to know to yourself, before you beleive anyone, that you took action and researched yourself, what is being thrown at you. Yes I do beleive Obama is a Freemason, but do I beleive he is the Anti-Christ? NO. And Im just gonna end it here because that a whole different issue to speak about.