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Ramble Ramble Ramble...

This new haircut has me in a new state of mind. I am appreciating myself much more than before. Instead of the constant self criticsms, I give myself more slack. This comfort zone... I am trying to completely break free from... It requires effort on my part. What am I so afraid of? I Read this book called "Change your Thinking Change Your Life" by Brian Tracy. Its is a very empowering book. I recommend it to ANYONE. As I was reading, I just felt a surge of energy rush through me. I felt like my eyes were open wider than before. Its a WONDERFUL feeling. I'll carry it around with me for inspiration when I need it. I want to give it to my mother because she has been feeling really down lately, and ironically she recommended the book to me. I think she needs to tap on her inspirational resources again. I'll give it to her.