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How to correctly comb Natural Hair AND Relaxed Hair

1. As the hair grows longer, stay AWAY from fine toothed combs and hard bristled brushes! Both items are very rough for the hair, cause breakage and unnecessary shedding. Use wide toothed combs and paddle type brushes. I hear denman brushes are great for detangling. 

2. AVOID the rough handling. Instead treat it like fine silk because no matter how strong our hair may seem, it is the actually weakest of hair types.  Comb or brush in sections rather than all in one shot. 
3. Moisturize moisturize moisturize! Find a good leave in that will keep the hair well moisturized. There are many moisturizers out there whether store bought, or natural alternatives. Its best to comb the hair when moisturized rather than combing it completely dry to further avoid breakage. 

Relaxed Hair

These videos are from  www.growafrohairlong.com Robin (founder of crown and glory technique) has great information on her site and offers great products and new ways to take care of afro hair. She offers a great method, whether transitioning, stretching, or natural to grow and care for black hair. She is also another reason why I initially started my hair journey.