Well today I got some senegal twists... they are rather small but, god willing I wont lose too much hair. I am so tempted to cut my hair, because my newgrowth feels so alive compared to my damaged relaxed ends. My hair is thick as I dont know what and my head is big so... that doesnt make it any easier lol I will be 4 months post on the tenth and it feels damned good!! In retrospect I'll give u guys the scoop on my hair. Ok, well maybe a brief summary :)
So this is me 2005 ish, before my hair journey with the love of my life... As you can see I was a bit above chin length.
It was a fresh cut and at that time I was going to a jamaican salon. They did my hair very nicely as far as short cuts went using heat... But as my hair gained a bit of length, TUG A LUG A LUG! They were so damn rough! So what eventually happened? I dropped em... No offense to Jamaicans cuz ya'll can kill it when it comes to the short hair styles!
So 'round October 05, this was my hair length... I had no hair pics to show for so I'm using and old pic... but nonetheless, this was the length... an easy to maintain length... I was then introduced to Cathy Howse's Book which made me begin my relaxed hair growth journey. I also just found out that I was pregnant around this time.
This is about February 06, My hair was much longer than this pic, but I got a trim and it took about 2 inches off. I was mad! I was frequenting dominican salons almost every week. My hair was healthier than ever. Being pregnant didnt hurt either hehe! I stopped using direct heat, deep conditioned my hair every week, and used UBH dew spray leave in. I loved that stuff.
SOOOO Guess what came next in March 06?? The birth of my beautiful baby boy Zakkai! No hair pics here, but tons of baby pics... Such a blessing!
8 months
Almost 2
Here we have April 06 I finally hit shoulder length, and I found LHCF!!!! Wounderful website on haircare for women of color. My hair was at it healthiest and then I had to start protective styling!!
So the braidout was my favorite protective style and I did this and bunned for a loooong time.
I did me some justice because... my hair retained length!! This is Aug 06 I was almost armpit length...
This is December 31st 06, I just hit Armpit Length... and This was also my fave protective style.
Side View
So then I did a Hide My hair Until April Fools with braid extensions and Here were my results. My hair grew tremendously, but it broke off and I had to get a haircut to even it up... I hit Brastrap before but the haircut set me back to Armpit Length...
Here I had finally GRAZED BSL in Aug 2007. I was shedding ALOT around that time. I was suffering from post partum shedding for AWHILE which prompted me to use this plant shampoo that someone recommeded... and I went from THIS
All that hard work down the drain... but I kept a positive attitude about it and I am now embarking upon my natural Journey and what a better time now than ever? I am now transitioning... And join me on this journey to a more NATURAL ME!! and this AINT just about hair folks!!!
natural hair
First Real Post
Posted by
Nubian Princess
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Labels: hair comparison pics
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